reverse () return Mod2Polynomial () def polynomial_to_byte ( a ): vector = vector. State + state, state + state, state + state, ] def MixColumns ( state ): reduction_polynomial = Mod2Polynomial () def do_mult ( a, b ): return ( a * b ) % reduction_polynomial def byte_to_polynomial ( a ): list_rep = list ( bin ( a ). Return for i in row ] for row in state ] def ShiftRows ( state ): return, # These are the equivalent left-rotations # become clear once you give a few seconds thought to it.
Let \ \ for row in state ]) def ByteSubstitution ( state ): sbox = # I had originally split it into two coordinates, but this is completely unnecessary for reasons that In the following, we check the diffusion properties of AES after a single round. Cryptography understanding-cryptography even-numbered-solutions